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Check out CHOICE' Final Newsletter

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The Open Day in Spain took place Maçanet de la Selva on November 21 st.

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The Open Day in Greece took place during the #ErasmusDays2022 on October 14, 2022, at the Archaeological Museum of Patras.

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During the CHOICE@SCHOOL Open Day organised on the 27th of October 2022 in a beautiful 16th century hall at Liceo statale scientifico Benedetto Croce, teachers and students who co-created the CHOICE Open Education Resources (OER) showed how STEM disciplines can be fascinating and useful for our society.

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The Grammar School of Nicosia and GrantXpert Consulting hosted an Open Day event at the school on December 6th.

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 IT'S HAPPENING - "Investing in People and STEM : Innovative Cross-disciplinary STE(A)M approaches to education"

To watch the conference through live-streaming:

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Last Chance to Register for the International Conference on STE(A)M Education in Schools

To watch the conference through live-streaming

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Grammar School students’ field visits

Check out the Grammar School students’ field visits.

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Getting Ready for the Final Conference in Brussels

The conference will be held on the 29th of November 2022.

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Choice's Conference

Save the for the Choice's Conference, the project's final event!

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Video: CHOICE Co-creation of Open Educational Resources meets in Palermo

How can education contribute to the formation of future experts capable of tackling complex societal challengeCheck out this video explaining the methodology of educational co-creation which was applied to develop CHOICE Open Educational Resources.s? What innovations are needed in STEM education in Italy and the EU to do so?

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CHOICE team meets in Palermo

How can education contribute to the formation of future experts capable of tackling complex societal challenges? What innovations are needed in STEM education in Italy and the EU to do so?

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CHOICE Project: D&D Workshops and Teacher’s Training

How can we encourage young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? How can STEM subjects be taught in new ways? The CHOICE project takes a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to STEM education by involving students, teachers, and company representatives in the creation of STEM-based Open Educational Resources (OER).

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The Online Round Table Discussion "The Use of Digital Tools and Their Impact on STEM Education" that was co-organized by GrantXpert Consulting and the Western Greece Regional Directorate of Education on 12th April 2022 was a huge success!

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Η εκδήλωση διοργανώνεται από την GrantXpert Consulting και την Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Εκπαίδευσης Δυτικής Ελλάδας, με την υποστήριξη του Ευρωπαϊκού Πανεπιστημίου, στα πλαίσια του ευρωπαϊκού έργου CHOICE και του ALL DIGITAL WEEKS.

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The CHOICE MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is an e-learning platform that promotes the STE(A)M approach to STEM education. This approach is based on constructive interaction between STEM and nonSTEM subjects with the objective of increasing young people’s interest in STEM and their motivation to choose STE(A)M careers.

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CHOICE MOOC: STE(A)M-based Open Educational Resources for Teachers and Students

How to teach STEM subjects to make them intriguing for high school students? How to combine multiple STEM and non-STEM disciplines in one lesson while offering students a hands-on experience? The CHOICE project is launching a Massive Open Online Course with 20 digital-based Open Educational Resources co-developed by teachers, students and experts from business and academic field.

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The CHOICE team would like to share with you the 1st newsletter describing what has happened during the past 14 months and what's happening now!

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On January 13, the project partners met at their third meeting which marked the conclusion of the research and preparatory phase and launched the work on the reforming STEM curricula through co-creation of innovative OERs and the CHOICE MOOC.

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As part of the development of a Framework to reform STEM curricula, CHOICE partners have translated the State-of-the-Art study in French, Italian, Greek and Spanish, which compares the research results of each partner country laying the basis for the design process of our Open Education Resources on STE(A)M approaches. The study's accompanying Reflective Practice Case-study Compendium is also translated in all 5 languages.

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Work continues for the CHOICE partners, who met virtually for their 2nd Coordination Meeting on 29th September.

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Business Team

The CHOICE team has identified existing initiatives to reform STEM education, contributing to close the skill mismatch in the current labour market and best practices, published in a new State of the Art Study Report [...]. 

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The Kick-off Meeting of the CHOICE – Increasing young people’s motivation to choose STEM careers through an Innovative Cross-disciplinary STE(A)M approach to education project was held on February 20th and 21st in Palermo, Italy.

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Representatives from three Erasmus Plus projects (CHOICESTE(A)M IT & STEAMonEdu) joined a very successful clustering session held as part of the STEAMonEdu project on the 25th of June 2020. 

Our community is expanding!​ Stay tuned - A lot of interesting things have been planned for the near future!

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Students Taking Exams

The presented papers summarise our findings of the surveys we conducted in Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Spain to assess students' attitutes towards STEM subjects and careers and the current teaching of STEM subjects, [...]

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A two day-long training was held by CESIE online on the 27th and 28th of January, during which 30 secondary school teachers from Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Greece learnt how to produce educational resources adopting STE(A)M approaches,...

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International training on co-producing educational resources adopting STE(A)M apporaches

A two day-long training was held by CESIE online on the 27th and 28th of January, during which 30 secondary school teachers from Italy, Cyprus, Spain and Greece learnt how to produce educational resources adopting STE(A)M approaches,...

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